Jinkee Hong
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering,
College of Engineering, Yonsei University
Tel: +82-2-2123-5748
Bldg. 121(Engineering Hall 1), Rm. A355
50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 03722,
Republic of Korea
오유경 (Yoogyeong Oh)
- M.S.&Ph.D Integrated program
(2019.03 - present)
- Research topic:
Advanced Nitric Oxide Delivery
Systems with Precise Control
- E-mail: flqhspig@gmail.com
이미래 (Milae Lee)
- M.S.&Ph.D Integrated program
(2020.03 - present)
- Research topic:
Cell stimulation platform via
scaffold engineering
- E-mail: mlkrnlee@gmail.com
김태현 (Taihyun Kim)
Lab manager
- M.S.&Ph.D Integrated program
(2020.09 - present)
- Research topic:
Curved Flatform Engineering
- E-mail: taihyunkim109@gmail.com
김유나 (Youna Kim)
- M.S.&Ph.D Integrated program
(2020.09 - present)
- Research topic:
Molecular Structure and
Interaction Engineering
- E-mail: kun2767@gmail.com
조성은 (Seongeun Cho)
- M.S.&Ph.D Integrated program
(2020.09 - present)
- Research topic:
Design surfaces with nano/micro
- E-mail: sgracenov.03@gmail.com
최범규 (Bumgyu Choi)
Lab vise-manager
- M.S.&Ph.D Integrated program
(2021.03 - present)
- Research topic:
Cell platform engineering
- E-mail: xpo95son@gmail.com
이유진 (Yoojin Lee)
- M.S.&Ph.D Integrated program
(2021.09 - present)
- Research topic:
Natural mimicked platforms
for immune system activation
- E-mail: carly6674@gmail.com
허성은 (Sung-eun Heo)
- M.S.&Ph.D Integrated program
(2022.09 - present)
- Research topic:
Design hydrogel for Therapeutic
- E-mail: heosungeun@yonsei.ac.kr
조희수 (Heesu Cho)
- M.S.&Ph.D Integrated program
(2023.03 - present)
- Research topic:
Design of advanced biopolymer
- E-mail: poppoph97@gmail.com
최정윤 (Dingyun Cui)
- M.S&Ph.D Integrated program
(2023.03 - present)
- Research topic:
Cell-based therapy
- E-mail: jungyoon16@yonsei.ac.kr
이용호 (Yongho Lee)
- M.S.&Ph.D Integrated program
(2024.03 - present)
- Research topic:
Soft material
Interaction Engineering
- E-mail: eyh1101@yonsei.ac.kr
노윤성 (Yoonsung Noh)
- M.S.&Ph.D Integrated program
(2024.03 - present)
- Research topic:
Molecular Structure and
Interaction Engineering
- E-mail: nohyoons@naver.com
정윤서 (Yunseo Jeong)
- M.S.&Ph.D Integrated program
(2024.03 - present)
- Research topic:
Control of nitric oxide release &
Engineering of polymers for the
medical applications
- E-mail: jys494684@gmail.com
홍다송 (Dasong Hong)
- Master's course
(2024.03 - present)
- Research topic:
Cell coating for protection
- E-mail: 0512ekthd@naver.com
설채은 (Chaeeun Seol)
- Intern
(2024.08 - present)
- Research topic:
Cultured Meat
- E-mail: sce5444@naver.com