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[2019.09.20] Ms. Junjira Tanum won The Best Presentation Award and Ms. Daheui Choi, Mr. Uiyoung Han won The Excellent Poster Award From The Polymer Society of Korea Fall Conference in 2019. Congratulations!

[2019.09.20] Mr. Sungwon Jung won The Excellent Poster Award From The 2019 Korean Society for Biomaterials Conference. Congratulations!

[2019.08.20] Mr. Uiyoung Han is selected as a fellowship student in the '2019 Global Ph. D. Fellowship Program' supported by NRF (National Research Foundation of Korea). 

[2019.04.12] Ms. Hyejoong Jeong won "the Best Presentation Award" from The Polymer Society of Korea Spring Conference in 2019. Congratulations!

정성원_2019 추계 생체재료학회 우수포스터상_edited.jpg

Yonsei University, Department of chemical and biomolecular engineering,

Yonsei ro 50, Seodaemoon-gu, Seoul 03722 


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