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[2018.12.28] We had an end-of-the-year party.











[2018.11.13] We held the 1st UK-Korea Joint Symposium in Yonsei University.
















[2018.10.24] We held an event that showed the danger of microplastics.
















[2018.10.18] Mr. Uiyoung Han won the best presentation award and Mr. Jiwoong Heo Won The Excellent Poster Award From The 2018 Korean Society for Biomaterials Conference. Congratulations!


[2018.10.18-19] We attended The 2018 Korean Society for Biomaterials Conference.















[2018.10.12-13] Lab workshop (Gyeongju, Korea)

















[2018.10.11] Ms. Sohyeon Park won the excellent dissertation award in oral presentation from 2018 fall conference of the Polymer Society of Korea. Congratulations!















[2018.10.11-12] Everyone in our lab attended 2018 fall conference of the Polymer Society of Korea.















[2018.10.01] Ms. Yoogyeong Oh joined our lab. Welcome!


[2018.09.21] Mr. Taeho Kim joined our lab. Welcome!


[2018.09.11] We had a farewell party for Mr. Xiangde Lin Congratulations on your graduation.



















[2018.09] Ms. Seora Han, Mr. Hyeongdeok Sun joined the lab for the master’s degree program. Ms. Jungim Han joined the lab for the doctor’s degree program. Ms. Junjira Tanum entered Yonsei University with a full scholarship for the doctor’s degree program. Welcome!



[2018.08.24] Mr. Xiangde Lin received a doctor's degree of engineering in Chung-Ang University. Congratulations!
















[2018.08.17] Mr. Jaeho Han finished his internship successfully. 















[2018.07.26] Mr. Kyungtae Park won the Best Poster Award from the Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Polymer Science 2018. Congratulations!

















[2018.7.1] Prof. Jinkee Hong and Ms. Daheui Choi appeared on SBS special '식탁 위로 돌아 온 미세 플라스틱'.
















[2018.7.1 - 2018.12.31] Our research project was selected as the title of 'Development of micro&nano-plastic analysis technology/products/services for food safety' in 미래선도기술개발사업(IMPAcT) which has the development cost of 3.4 billion won, funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT. Congratulations!


[2018.7.2] Mr. Moonhyun Choi is joined Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT)Congratulations!


[2018.6.13] Ms. Sohyeon Park's research on antibacterial coatings for dental devices was published as a creative article in Chemical & Engineers News, the weekly magazine of the American Chemical Society. Congratulations!




















[2018.5.28] Mr. Jaeho Han joined our lab as a trainee. Welcome! 


[2018.5.14] Ms. Seora Han joined our lab. Welcome!


[2018.5.11] Mr. Woojin Choi joined our lab. Welcome!


[2018.4.5] Ms. Hyejoong Jeong won the excellent dissertation award for her master’s degree from the Polymer Society of Korea. Congratulations!
















[2018.2.23] Mr. Moonhyun Choi won the excellent dissertation award for his master’s degree from Chung-Ang University. Congratulations!















[2018.3] Lab moved to Yonsei University






[2018.2.23] Mr. Moonhyun Choi, Ms. Hyejoong Jeong, Ms. Daheui Choi, Mr. Uiyoung Han, and Ms. Sohyun Park received a master’s degree of engineering in Chung-Ang University. Congratulations!


[2018.1.27-2.1] Lab workshop (Chiang Mai, Thailand)



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Yonsei University, Department of chemical and biomolecular engineering,

Yonsei ro 50, Seodaemoon-gu, Seoul 03722 


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