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2. Biomedical Bioplastic

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   The extremely overused petroleum plastic is a challenge that humanity faces. In particular, plastics become one of the ecosystems and affect human health. Thereby, dramatic changes in society and politics progressed. For instance, the European Chemical Agency proposed a pre-consideration of biodegradation in polymer design. The new academic movement toward (bio)degradable plastic is also impressive. Nowadays, we participate in this global trend by developing biomedical bioplastic for sustainable healthcare technology.

   Representatively, the insect upcycle bioplastic (IUB) is designed and its resource is just insect protein, silk fibroin. IUB is highly strong like typical engineering plastics (e.g., PETG). Moreover, pure silk fibroin could be extracted from IUB by a simple process. As a proof of concept, an IUB-based aortic valve (IUB-AV) is proposed. Notably, IUB-AV is stable under the cardiovascular condition and its valvular performance surpasses the industrial strand (ISO 5840-3). IUB-based orthodontic aligner (IUB-AA) is also developed. According to the microbiome big data analysis, we concluded that IUB-AA is significantly clean by suppressing the biofilm growth. The human model FEM investigation and rabbit in vivo experiment confirm that IUB-AA features sufficient orthodontic force compared to the off-the-shelf aligners.

Highlighted publications

1. W. Choi#, M. Choi#, T. Jun, Y. Kim, D. Y. Ryu, N. K. Kim, H. -J. Lee, S. H. Lee, W. Lee, M. Lee, K. Kang, J. -S. Kwon, J. G. Jang, H. Ha, J. Y. Choi, S. Lim, S. Lee*, S. Y. Jung*, and J .Hong*, “Templated Assembly of Silk Fibroin for a Biomass-derived Heart Valve Leaflet”, Manuscript, in revision

2. W. Choi, T. Jun, M. Lee, K. Park, M. Choi, S. Jung, J.-K. Cha, J.-S. Kwon, Y. Jin, S. Lee*, D.-Y. Ryu*, and J. Hong*, “Regulation of the Inevitable Water-responsivity of Silk Fibroin Biopolymer by Polar Amino Acid Activation”, ACS Nano, 16, 17274-17288 (2022)

Yonsei University, Department of chemical and biomolecular engineering,

Yonsei ro 50, Seodaemoon-gu, Seoul 03722 


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